Saturday, January 16, 2010

Be Nice To Me, Please

dedicate to you...=)

I call you everyday
Only wanting to watch you in conversation
Whatever the time of the day
You, the one who finds it unbearable without me
But now so different, you're like a stranger to me

Yes, it was the same that night
Claiming you were busy once again
My place has been replaced by another and I see that you are happy
Carelessly, you cast me aside
How could you ~

Sorry Oh My Girl
You've changed too much Oh My Girl
You and I both know well
Do not deceive me
Cause I know your everything

Sorry without Girl
Just not to be Oh My Girl
My look when you're by my side
Is not one of despair and misery
Please (i beg!) treat me well

Many smiles
And many sweet whisperings
Im sure many men will fall for all that
Please do not do this to me

Sorry Oh My Girl
You've changed too much Oh My Girl
You and I both know well
Do not deceive me
Cause I know your everything

Sorry without Girl
Just not to be Oh My Girl
My look when you're by my side
Is not one of despair and misery
Please (i beg!) treat me well

Hand in hand
Looks of happiness
The perfect us
Looking at that look of yours, however, how do I comprehend

I tried to figure out
Please my love
I want to listen to the intentions of the real you

(Without girl)
I'm sorry Oh my girl
You've changed too much Oh My Girl
You and I both know too well
Do not deceive me
Cause I know you're everything

Sorry without Girl
Just not to be Oh My Girl
My look when you're by my side
Is not one of despair and misery
I'm sorry without girl
Oh my girl (oh my girl)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Situasi dan masa dah berubah. Saya?

Tak tahulah. Lebih banyak masa saya menyendiri.

Sendiri ke? No. Ada teman tak diundang yang saya x nak. Kenapa tak nak? Sebab 'dia' tak diundang, datang tiba-tiba. Buat saya rasa seram semacam setiap kali ternampak bayangnya.

Pertemuan pertama(eceh!) dgn Ijat & Hattadi,
"Yuha, aku dgr ko bersilat tiap-tiap hari, tp makin tembam aku tgk!"

Haha. Banyaklah Ijat punya tembam. Memang tembam la kot. Dok umah, makan, tido-laptop, tv.. haha

Yang paling bagus sem ini, saya duduk kolej. Bagus!
1)Jimat duit
2)Mawar beb!! Kembali ke Mawar setelah setahun meninggalkan dunia kolej.
Untuk Mawar: Terima kasih. Tapi, jgnlah dok menatatertib org je.... huhu
3)Tiada lagi title NON-RESIDENT! No more RUMAH SEWA!
4)Urm...barang2 nak letak mana eak????? adui~ Barang yang dibawa adalah keperluan untuk rumah sewa! Ada yang tak ada...(adui~)
5)Dekat dgn fakulti! Yosh! Tak pyh naik bus or wutsoever. Jimat KozsSSS!!!!!

Cuma~ masalah ni. Biliknya kotor. Tingkat 3 siot. Ingat nak minta bilik yg 2 org, tp, not enough money lar. Ahaha. Yuran pon x byr ag neyh! Adeyy~

Tak apa YUHANNA! Life must go on. Dengan berbekalkan 40 kuai qian dlm bank & 30 kuai qian dlm poket, teruskanlah kehidupan mu di sini. Jangan putus asa. Do what is best for you! Okay?

BTW, semangat & azam twn baru ni agak berkesan. haha. Alahamdulilah. Jangan hangat-hangat taik kambing sudahlah!!!!!!!


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sia-sia.(x d kaitan..apekah??)

Haha. It's been a week since the last I update this cutty blog.ahakz!

Ok. Actually still blurred untuk memulakan sem 4 neyh! fuh~ dah dekat 2 twn beb!

Dan rasanya masa sepanjang itu masih tidak cukup untuk saya menimba ilmu secukupnya(eceh!)

Tinggal satu semester! SATU?! Biar betol!

Betullah,,, tinggal satu semester lagi, & last semester is Industrial Training.

Urm... internship still tak tau canner. Depends pada keadaan, tp, yang pastinya, internship saya di semester ke-6 itu akan dijalankan di JOHOR! Haha.

Apa citer sem4? fuh~
permulaan semester yg funny, but misery. Stupidly funny. ngaha.

ending? hope, funny and excellency! Cewah!

Hangsang misoo..

Bila smile jer.. terasa happy. Maybe sem 4 ni terasa indie sket.maksud saya, independent! ahakz!

By the way, sem ni jadual x pack. macamcun je. tak ada kelas malam. & drop a subject ntok buat short-course nanti. Wish me luck ye.

p/s: Terasa sia2 page blog yg ni. Tak ada apa-apa yg penting pon~~ ahaha.

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