Tuesday, February 16, 2010


duh~ it's been a few tough day i guess. been wandering around Muar for 2 days, and totally, it feels like, i'm not in Malaysia. wah~

this foreigner impact was really like..."uhh" and i don't know why but, i hate them. totally, really hate them!

i was waiting for my bus to the cap town from serom(where my grandparents live), and it's been an hour, suddenly came this stupid 'foreigner' guy. i dont know what he was thinking but, he was standing really close, that makes me realize that he has an awfully, badly body odors. WTH...when the bus came, i was so surprised to see, that:
1) no girl at all
2) no malays at all
3) all are foreigner(which i dont know whether they're PATI or not)
4) only the bus driver is TRUE MALAYSIAN.

on that time i was like: Damn this bus. Feeling so insecure. the bus was so packed. damn packed! until my turn, no seat of course, and i was standing right beside the driver, in front of the main door. dush~
1) it's dangerous
2) the bus was taking over-loaded-passangers
3) the bus was so damn old, that i felt like it gonna crush down, on the next break
4) i can't breath cz of, those damn foreigner!
5) the bus's driver was taking another passenger on the next stop, and so do on every stop, without even care whether, it is over-loaded or not!

it's freaking me out. i watch every single person in the bus. behind me, in front of me, besides me, everywhere around me, all was 'foreigner' and they was looking at me like, they never saw a beautiful and cute young lady before(urmmmm). i hate those stupid 'foreigner'.

upon arrival, they still caught their eyes on me, until i met my sis. what make things worst is, i have to ride on the same bus, to turn home, and the same bus the next day, to go back to JB. ush! i swear to myself, no more buses, i wish for taxi! but still, taxi in Muar need improvement. Even the buses. Even the attitude of the passenger and driver.

when i was walking around Muar, i see most of the public was 'foreigner'. if i could make the statistic on that time, i guess the conclusion is:
Hnull : less 70% of Muar citizen is 'foreigner'
Halternative: more the 70% of Muar citizen is 'foreigner'
Decision: Reject Hnull.
Conclusion: Muar is not a city under Malaysia anymore, it is the 'foreigner' city.

i dont know, but having 'foreigner' in our country do have it own pros and cons. but, in my eyes, i see more cons rather than pros. it do help in our economic growth, but, still, we have a lot of MALAYSIAN who needs jobs(even though i know, how MALAYSIAN attitude could bring those foreigner in). well, i guess, i know what kind of research i'm going to conduct for my last semester project. i want to get rid of those 'foreigner'. damn 'foreigner'.

btw, i called them foreigner, bcz, they are really a foreigner. dush~

#gambar adalah hiasan semata-mata

Monday, February 8, 2010

Program Interaksi Perdana Persatuan Seni Silat Cekak Malaysia, UiTM Shah Alam & Jalan Othman

Argh!!!! Penatnyer~~ baru balik drpd camping interaksi perdana PSSCM UiTM 5hb Feb smpai 7hb Feb. Best gilerr!! Memang lah rugi kt siaper yg x join tuh~~

Hehe. Malangnyer, saya turun lmbt. Mksd saya, prog start hari jumaat malam, saya datag Sg. Gabai, Hulu Langat Selangor hari sabtu ptg. Dlm pukul 3.30 brtolak dr Teratai sampai Lambaiana Sg Gabai kul 6 ptg. Jauh jugak tuh.

Ice breaking? okay. cun jer. Sporting lar beb. haha/ trademark cm biaser. w/pun xtvt2 dia cam klisye jer, mksd saya, dh slalu sgt buat time2 camping seumur hidup saya, tp, still ok untuk di enjoy. sumer AJK ngan fasci dh try their own best ntok jdkn progr ni yg terbaik. haha.

yg bestnyer, saya knal ramai org. org yg x kenal pon jd kenal. jd mesra plus rapat. tp, saya ni cold sket, so,, org x brani nk dekat. hakhak. mysterious tuh..

plg syiok, jmpe kwn lme, adik2 yg jd adik agkt sya time saya jd fasci minggu mesra siswa plus orentasi pon ada. bagus dik! teruskan usaha mempertahankan seni silat cekak di negara kita.! haha.

yg saya suka,. dgr ucapan drpd s/u agong PSSCM, Ustaz Khaharudin. Ada satu kata-kata dia yg menarik jiwa raga ini.

" Apa yg tinggal pada orang melayu?, haha. Keretapi Tanah MELAYU?, baju MELAYU?,...isk3.."

mendalam tu ayat dia. bila fikir2 balik, mmg betul, pd orang melayu dh x d apa-apa. cuma tinggal nama. hush! semoga dgn kebangkitan silat cekak ini, dpt mengembalikan dan mempertahankan kekuatan org melayu semula. dush! semangat kemelayuan!(bukan semangat utk layu tau~)

x apalah, yg penting, saya belajar byk benda drpd progr interaksi ni. Belajar utk berpegang pd pantang larang silat cekak:
1)jgn brckp bohong dan berpegang pd amanah
2)jgn menderhaka kpd guru
3)jgn bergaduh sesama ahli silat cekak
4)jgn menghina seni silat dan seni mempertahankan diri yg lain.

menghafal 8 pantun silat cekak. sekaligus, hafal lagu silat cekak(warisan mutlak). huhu. bagus. ada peningkatan.

rasa x sabar nak habiskan belajar silat ni! mcm2 nak dicuba. nk jd jurulatih ke? xtiv dlm persatuan ni...seronoknyaaaa~

haha. btw, kengkwn, jomlah sama-sama kita memperthnkn seni kebudayaan melayu yg hampir pupus ni. joinlah silat cekak ni. mmg syiok & best giler. dia boleh merubah diri & sikap korg, plus ia akan membuatkan korg rasa, korg jumpa sth better in yourself. slh satu bnda penting yg mengajar saya dlm silat cekak ialah: BERSATU! ahakz!


Saturday, February 6, 2010


nak cakap, sory giler kt ELF yg len cz x dpt joinlah memeriahkan konsert SUJU Super SHown 2 diz march. Aduh~ klw diikutkan hati, nak jer join tw, jmpe big bros. wat performance sumer tuh, tp masa dan situasi(ceh!) x mengizinkan. plus, duit cam lari budget sket. dush!

malang sungguh nasib diri. dah ni je satu-satunya chances ntok bro suju wat perf kt cni, time sungguh x sesuai ntuk saya. huhu. sdey giler. w/pun, x sumer bro suju turun pdg, tp, still, akan trase kehangatannya. lagi-lagi ada abg cyg kt citu. huhu. gatal~

hish~ serius. bile bce kt page korean club uitm tuh, geram jer.. almost everyone kot dh spare tiket! cis~~~~~~
sdeynyerr... sory lar bro suju ku syg, disamping x berkemampuan, saya juga kesibukkan, dan nampaknya, kasih sayang saya kena beralih ke final semester. huhu.

by the way, good luck ntok bro2 suju on their becoming concert. dgr citer, concert korg kt beijing gempk? wah2... ni yg lg excited neyh. tunggu dvd jer larrr..~~

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