Thursday, February 24, 2011

Jay Chou

Sejak kebelakangan ni, saya asyik sibuk dengan assignment dekat ofis, sampai lupa untuk update this sweety blog. Sorry lah buat sape2 yang selalu tunggu my update(ade ke?).
Sebenarnya, idea pun dah kering. Asyik dok menatap nombor2 dekat laptop ni. Asyik cari maklumat pasal peralatan menangkap ikan lah, ikan2 yang berada dipasaran lah, sampai otak ni terasa dah tak boleh nak fikir benda2 laen.

Sekarang tengah musim melayan lagu-lagu mandarin. Nak improve mandarin lah kononnya, padahal untuk hiburan semata-mata. & FYI, saya amat mengkagumi seorang song composer ni,,, yang diberi nama: Zhou Jie Lun or lebih dikenali sebagai JAY CHOU!!!! *clap2*

bukan2, sebenarnye bukan nak citer pasal abg cool ni, tapi nak cerita pasal lagu dia! hahaha..
FYI, saya paling suka kalau feeling-feeling sambil dengar & menghayati(Ceh!) bait-bait lagu Jay Chou ni. Nak tahu kenapa? Jom, usha salah satu lagu favourite saya!

给我一首歌的时间 <- ni poyo je.. padahal tak paham pon
Gei Wo Yi Shou Ge De Shi Jian

Give me time to sing this song

Rain has fallen from the sky
Destructively poetic.
You say you don’t understand
Why we hold hands now.
I’ve dried myself off in silence,
Regretfully rinsed off.
Considering that I’ve done wrong,
I’m also simply afraid to make mistakes again.
Being together is called a dream.
Having broken up is called pain.
Is it that
Having not completed out dream is the worst part?
The aftermath of losing my way
Is something I can bear.
I only have the final exit from having loved left.

Can you give me the time to sing this song?
The tight embrace I give you becomes forever
In my heart.
You aren’t afraid of losing sleep.
If you want to forget, I can also lose the memories.

Can you give me time to sing this song?
Only after hearing the end of the story say “goodbye.”
You carry my tears,
Save them for a ra

iny day.
Overcoming your cutting me off I’ve determined to have a brave



You say I shouldn’t I shouldn’t
Shouldn’t have told you I love you just now.
How must I prove that I don’t have the strength to lie to you?
Oh, please tell me!
Hesitating, will I decide to let go?
I only have that one day’s memories.

Can you give me the time to sing this song?
The tight embrace I give you becomes forever
In my heart. You won’t lose too much sleep.
If you want to forget, I can also lose the memories.

Can you give me time to sing this song?
Only after hearing the end of the story say “goodbye.”
You carry my tears,
Save them for a rainy day.
Overcoming your cutting me off I’ve determined to have a brave

You say I shouldn’t I shouldn’t
Shouldn’t have told you I love you just now.
How must I prove I don’t have the strength?
Tell me. Hesitating, will I decide to give up?
You say I shouldn’t, shouldn’t,
Shouldn’t at this time just say I love you.
How must I prove that I don’t have the strength?
I only have one day’s memories.

haa... amacam?? nak dgr lagu cmne? ok2.. cop, saya bg link, korg download la sendiri. sambil dgr, sambil hayati lirik dia... ah... bestnyer~~

download here -> Jay Chou- Gei Wo Yi Shou Ge De Shi Jian

oh, x best?? so... next song! download -> Jay Chou - Shuo Hao De Xing Fu Ne

说好的 幸福呢
Shuo hao de xing fu ne
Where is the promised happiness?

Your response is lost in confusion.
At this moment
I recall a dove in a room with a fountain.
The sweetness has dispersed.
It's only dragged-out emotion.
Do I still love you?
You are intermittently singing
Pretending it doesn't matter.
Time passed, it's gone.
Our love is faced with a choice.
You've grown cold and tired, I've cried.
Your unhappiness upon leaving
You have written down on a card.
When love comes to this,
It truly hurts.
What happened? You've grown tired.
What about the happiness we promised each other?
I've figured it out but not said it.
Love has been diluted.
My dreams have gone far away.
The difference between being happy and unhappy is becoming a thinner line.
You don't give up again.
The emotions of having loved are too deep. I still remember them.
You didn't wait. What about the happiness we promised each other?
I've made a mistake, wiped away the tears, let go, and regretted it.
It only hold memories, but the music box is still playing.
How's it supposed to stop?

Repeat All

What about the happiness we promised each other?

So... pe macam? menusuk kalbu x?? x?? seriously??? hmmm.. lagu ape nak kasik nangis punye ni?? ok -> Jay Chou - Nocturnes

Love and hate start to become clear
Losing you
What else is there to care about?
When a dove no longer symbolises peace
I'm eventually reminded
That they are vultures feeding in the public square
I use a beautiful rhyme
To describe love being robbed

The dark clouds begin to cover
The colour of the night is not clean
In the park
The echo of the funeral
Flying in the boundless sky
The white rose
I gave you
Withered in the pure black surroundings
The crow is peculiarly very silent on the tree branch
Silently listening
My black overcoat
Wants to warm you up
The memories that are day-by-day becoming colder
Walk past
Walk past
The life
Hazy fog is all around
I am at the vast and boundless cemetery
I'll still love you when I'm old

I play for you Chopin's Nocturnes
Commemorating my dead love
The same sound as the night winds
Heart breaking sounds good
My hand strikes the keyboard lightly
The recollections I gave are very careful
The place you are buried at is called The Other World

I play for you Chopin's Nocturnes
Commemorating my dead love
And I conceal my identity for you
Playing the piano under the moon
The feeling and response I have towards your heartbeat
It is still so warm and intimate
I miss that bright red lipstick of yours

Those dragonflies with broken wings
Scatter down onto this forest
And my eyes
Have not a single shred of sympathy
Losing you
Tears are unclear
Losing you
Even my smile has a shadow
The wind at the rooftop grown full of moss
Jeers at my sadness
Like a dry well without water
I use a sad but beautiful font
To describe that love that is too late to regret

adeh~ sedihnye... alalalaaa.... hahahaa... tp, klw korg x ley feeling gk dgr lagu2 ni, memang x ley nak kata ape lah... hmmm.. hahahhaaa...

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