Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Pernahkah kau merasa
Pernahkah kau merasa

Cukup sudah kuberikan cintaku
Cukup sudah rasa ini untukkmu
Mati sudah hati ini padamu
Mati sudah hasrat ingin bersamamu

Reff 2x
Pernah kah kau merasa
Hatimu hampa
Pernah kah kau merasa
Hatimu kosong

Buang saja semua kata cintamu
Buang saja semua kata maafmu
Hancur sudah hati ini padamu
Hancur sudah hasrat ingin bersamamu

Ulang Reff 2x

Rap Verse
Pernahkah pernahkah kalau kau merasa
Di galaksi yang datang
Terasa gelap gulita tiada cahaya
Hanya gelap
Hitam dan kelam
Tak ada lagi suka tak ada rasa

(Pernah pernah pernah pernah pernahkah)
Pernahkah kau merasa
Di saat diri terlelap
Mesti gemuruh kian beradu
Slalu mengganggu
Kau tetap terlelap dalam tidurmu

Maafkan aku sayangku
Bukan maksudku menyakitimu, menghianatimu
Ampuni aku sayangku
Jujur kukatakan aku tak lagi mencintaimu

Pernah kah kau merasa 3x

ini lagu: hampa hatiku nyanyian UNGU BAND.
Ok. kenapa lirik ini terkeluar disini, saya pun tak tau.
cuma saya rasa tiba-tiba nak letak lirik ni.
menarik apa lagu dia..
cam cute2 gituh... ngahaha
klip dia pon menarik...
dok tengok 2-3x ulang2 kat youtube..
huhu...mcm org gilerr..

nak kuar jup..
gi bli sayor..
ti smbg ag..

Friday, November 20, 2009


udah blur deh~ adui! dah hilang idea nak sambung novel. sejak kblkgn ni banyak baca novel bi. oh ye...
hari tu beli novel baru, tajuk dia:

TRASHED by Alison Gaylin buku terbitan Little Black Dress.
saya beli dekat MPH JUSCO BUKIT RAJA, Klang. Hampir 1 jam pusing-pusing, akhirnya saya tertarik dengan cover dia:

di mana, ini cover lama dia:

1st edition dia 2007, yg cover gambar real tuh, yg cover gambar kartun tuh, 2nd edition, 2008.

cerita dia tentang:
Tabloid reporter Simone Glass should be having a ball working for her trashy LA rag. After all, dishing out the dirt on the sleazy side of LA's celebrity culture isn't exactly rocket science. Strangely enough though, no one wants to talk to her on record, so she's forced to go undercover... But after a soap star's suspicious 'suicide', Simone's detective work suddenly takes a more sinister turn. It becomes clear there's a savage killer tearing Tinseltown apart. Simone may think she's piecing the jigsaw puzzle together, but is she about to become to the next Hollywood casualty?
*copy dari cover blkg novel, mls nak edit*

fhm x?? oklah. saya pun x abes baca ag novel tuh sebenarnya. nak kena habiskan cepat-cepat, ada lagi 2 novel menanti:
ECLIPSE by Stephenie Mayor
BREAKING DAWN by Stephenie Mayor,
alaa~ sambungan new moon dgn twilight tuh. huhu. baca novel dia ag best drpd tgk movie. ngehehe~

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

HARUN datang!!!

Ana:Woi Lelaki, ko jangan post yg bukan2 dlm BLOG AKU!

Harun:Hello, ini dah jadi BLOG KITA ok ma?!

Ana: Argh! Aku tetap perintis nyer. I'm the pioneer ok..

Harun: You're a pioneer for a while. Now, we are the pioneer.

Ana:What are we suppose to do with that 'WE'?

Harun: Post something about us?

Ana:What do you mean by about us?

Harun:About our love story maybe?

Ana:Since when we have that 'love story'?

Harun:Since I fall with you maybe..

Ana:Tell you what, I never fall for you. That's so stupid little trick young boy..

Harun:Nope.. That's not a trick. That's a confession.

Ana: You really lost your brain while playing that Plants Versus Zombie huh?

Harun: I lost it since I met you. 

Ana: Stop it, Harun...Stop spouting nonsense.

Harun: Ok. It is so nonsense to fall for you.

Haha. This is gonna be fun. You know, playing words with her, she's just so harsh with me. Rejecting me while I'm still available. I mean, AVAILABLE for her.

Gonna sleep in the office for a night. Too many reports, project needed to be submit tomorrow. Damn that stupid Kelvin. He gives file, with empty paper, hoping me to refill them with new product.

By the way, Ana, thanks for sharing this blog with. From now on, we are going to manage this thing together.  

dia dah lain

1st skali, saya nak minta maaf.
satu) sebab dah lama x contact dia
dua) sebab saya tak tahu cnner nak contact dia
tiga) kehilangan fon menyulitkan keadaan
empat) saya pemalu (iyeker??)
lina) saya dan dia bersahabat lama. kami susah dan senang bersama. kami sesat dan kembali kejalan yang benar bersama(ceh!).

td saya buka fb, saje nak tgk perkembgn kengkwn. dr kwn2 tyme form 1 sampai ke mtrx, sume page saya bukak. browsing their pics and profile. everybody's changes. ada(maksud saya, ramai) yg dh x d kt Malaysia. Overseas. Tracking success rail. ada yg msh kt Malaysia. mcm saya. ada yg amek dip, bachelor, working, wutsoever. masing-masing dah ada jln hidup msg2. ada yg dah bertunang, husband-n-wife-to-be-as-they-wish, ada yg still single(like me?), ada yg sibuk mencari, tp, masing-masing ada jln hidup msg2.

klw dulu, kita declare: best fwen-dun 4get me plz-keep in touch-do reply my sms-do xtivt ur fs or fb-dun 4get our memory-ym me..yaadaa...yadaaa,
tp skrg, dey r creating a new memory...
living as their own. perfecting da shape of their life. wishing they will never forget me.
i dunno why, but suddenly i miss her. she used to be sum1 so speacial. very special. i dunno whether the word 'used to' is suitable or not, but she's still so special.

we both changes in our own way. in our own style. i manage to make myself better evet hough it is not so perfect. and she manage it too. in a better way..

missed her. dunno why. suddenly a tragic feeling flowing out of my chest. making my heart burst like hell. making my head suddenly full with our school memory. those kids and child memory. those sweet memory of us. it makes my eyes dry with tears that i guess never ever cry bcz of her.

and now I'm crying bcz of her. she's changes into a better person. so much better that it makes me relieve.

wish her reading diz. understand it by herself. what makes her so special in my life...
dear-i miss u!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


minum dulu...


tepuk tgn dulu....saya nak tunjuk gambar2 kek yg nampak cam sedap2...

jgn tertipu, ini kek, bukan burger king~~

fuh~ x mcm style plaK kann?

cute! sculpture!

wow! sungguh menarik!

menarik? sebenarnya dah tak ada kerja.. ngahaha... x pe2.. sbnrnyer byk ag gambar nak upload, tp next post okayh?! da~

Saturday, November 14, 2009


memang sangat tak sangka.
org yg plg saya nak elakkan, saya jumpa hari ni.
duduk bersama-sama.
makan bersama-sama.
berbual bersama-sama.
sangat tak sangka.
saya sangat rindukan dia.
kali terakhir jumpa, maybe sem 1.itupun saya cuba elakkan dia.
tak boleh. rasa jantung ni macam nak terkeluar setiap dia ada.
berdebar-debar macam org giler.
rasa pelik kenapa mesti dia.
mungkin sebab hal kat sekolah dulu.
cuma, saya tak pernah lupakan dia.
hari tu birthday dia.
saya mesti wish. tak pernah missed. tapi, hari tuh, fon saya hilang.
dan semua nombor fon pon hilang. dan saya tak dpt wish.
hari tu, saya tak boleh buat apa-apa.
rasa bersalah. rasa tak tentu arah. macam org gila.

sekarang, saya masih tersenyum lagi.
suka.gembira yang teramat sangat,
rindu saya terubat.
tapi, bila rindu dah terubat, dia jadi makin bertambah pula.
lepas makan, saya terus rindu lagi.
kenapa mesti dia?
suka sangat ke saya kat dia dulu?
sampai macam ni jadinya...

tp, mmg sangat seronok. tak tahu nak gambarkan mcm mana.
suka. hati saya senang sepanjang hari.
mungkin sepanjang minggu.
mungkin juga sepanjang hayat.

harap bertemu jodoh.

got me~

picture this
we got a kid in a room
his hand sweating and shacking while his lacing his shoe
his excitement building up for what's coming up soon
to get up there and do what he was born to do
he's listen to the beats
he's trying to get in the zone
he's gotta take control and made every movement his own
he's juts a lil' bit tired
he's just a lil' bit scared
but he was so focused he won't show it when he's finally there
cuz' now he's out on the floor
and he's catching the pace
slashing trough the glass
moving so fast right through the hall
they don't know how to stop it
but he keeps on dropped it
2's and 3's by the second and the crowd is rocking
so they knocked him
knock him down on the floor
he takes a deep breath before he gets up and look around
everything is in slow motion
the crowd as an ocean
only 1 minute left,
before he's crown as the best..

a lil' girl in the stand
the kids her older brother
and she's he's number 1 fans
he's always looking out,
for her that he looks up,
to him that she wants nothing more than for her brother to win.
but the truth,
is that there's someone on the other team,
someone who stole her heart,
someone that hold her dream,
they kissed for the first time just the other evening,
her brother's 23 but his lover's number 16,

the drama is sets,
the whole scene is intense,
she doesn't know which one to cheer up for and she's getting upset,
cuz they are on each other next,
and what happens next,
is that the boyfriend steal the ball and checked the kids in his chest.

number 1 on the break,
12 cliques on the chase,
brother goes in the air,
with brother rumpling the space,
they come crashing to the dirt,
tears about to burst,
when the game is over who's she gonna runs to first?

this game of life is one big struggle
we gotta hustle just to make it everyday and
to find ourselves a way to fight
the fears we facing
and to grab those we chasing
cuz there ain't no competition
when we rise to the occasion...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

study sama-sama yok...

Okay. Lusa paper faveret= philosophy.
Nak study, mmg sgt malas sbb paper neyh sgt x kne dgn jwa raga saya sbg student maths. Pensyarah Algebra saya pernah berkata:
'Kalau memburu binatang, biarlah binatang itu diikat dgn jerat elok-elok, kalau menuntut ilmu. biarlah ilmu itu diikat dgn mata pena elok-elok...
...dan..biarlah saya ikat philosophy neyh ngan keyboard elok-elok k...ngahaha.

philosophy is love of knowledge or wisdom.The science of sciences, the criticism and systematisation or organisation of all knowledge.
4 branches of philosophy:
epistemology-the theory of knowledge
ontology-the theory of being qua being
logic- the science or process of revealing true reason
Axiology - the theory of value. Divide by 2 which is: 1)ethics-sc of morals and 2) aesthetics-sc of beauty.

bnda alah tuh slalu kuar kt soalan first.
ETYMOLOGY-geng kpd epistemology. It is a study of the original meaning of word.

lg satu, soalan pasal knowledge.
KNOWLEDGE is-the arrival of meaning of a thing in a soul. yg tuh ikut al-attas. pastu dia ada vice versa-the arrival of soul to the meaning, then the truth knowldge, boleh dicapai.
4 types and soruces of knowledge:
-5 sound sense
externel senses=hear, touch, taste, smell and sight
internal senses=common sense, representative faculty, imagination faculty, estimation faculty, memory and recollection faculty.
-Sound reason
human thinking an certain matter. It is say, not often correct and false. ala yg pasal, premises, wrong and right tuh...hentam jerr...
-True report
there're 2 kinds of true report, first, hadith second wahyu. Elaborate sendiri.
Revelation ini dtg kpd org2 tertentu, pastu dia ada different kind and level. yg plg lower, revelation yg dtg kpd para scientist tuh, mcm newton dpt ilham gravity dr epal yg jatuh dari tree, pstu ilham yg turun kpd para nabi.

pastuh....yg ni ikut past yr, oct 08..
science paradigma- a learning system.
trbhgi kpd= reduction, repeatability and refutation...
then dia ada mintak, statistical inference - a process of drawing conclusion bases of the sample statistic.
Distinguich type 2 and type 1 error.
TYPE 1 - error ble kita buat kptusan yg kita buat tuh salah, tp sebenarnya btul, then, yg TYPE 2 tuh pulak, bile kita buat kptsn betul, tp sbnrnya slh.. ngahaha... poning2...
Significance level ialah, level keyakinan terhadap keputusan yg akan dibuat,

3 levels of certainty according to Holy Al-Quran is
ilm al-yaaqin, 'ain al yaaqin, haqq al yaaqin.
Power of test - thp btp btulnya test yg kita jln kan tuh... ok..

huh...cukup2 lah tuh.. habis satu past yr..

soalan last dia suh buat essay pendek pasal current issue on science.. grr...
kne byk baca news paper lerr nyeh..

ok2..wish me luck ntok philo neyh. Hari Jumaat nnti...tpt pon x sure ag kt ne..adoi... mengong aq jadiknyerr.. 8-|

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