Wednesday, November 4, 2009

study sama-sama yok...

Okay. Lusa paper faveret= philosophy.
Nak study, mmg sgt malas sbb paper neyh sgt x kne dgn jwa raga saya sbg student maths. Pensyarah Algebra saya pernah berkata:
'Kalau memburu binatang, biarlah binatang itu diikat dgn jerat elok-elok, kalau menuntut ilmu. biarlah ilmu itu diikat dgn mata pena elok-elok...
...dan..biarlah saya ikat philosophy neyh ngan keyboard elok-elok k...ngahaha.

philosophy is love of knowledge or wisdom.The science of sciences, the criticism and systematisation or organisation of all knowledge.
4 branches of philosophy:
epistemology-the theory of knowledge
ontology-the theory of being qua being
logic- the science or process of revealing true reason
Axiology - the theory of value. Divide by 2 which is: 1)ethics-sc of morals and 2) aesthetics-sc of beauty.

bnda alah tuh slalu kuar kt soalan first.
ETYMOLOGY-geng kpd epistemology. It is a study of the original meaning of word.

lg satu, soalan pasal knowledge.
KNOWLEDGE is-the arrival of meaning of a thing in a soul. yg tuh ikut al-attas. pastu dia ada vice versa-the arrival of soul to the meaning, then the truth knowldge, boleh dicapai.
4 types and soruces of knowledge:
-5 sound sense
externel senses=hear, touch, taste, smell and sight
internal senses=common sense, representative faculty, imagination faculty, estimation faculty, memory and recollection faculty.
-Sound reason
human thinking an certain matter. It is say, not often correct and false. ala yg pasal, premises, wrong and right tuh...hentam jerr...
-True report
there're 2 kinds of true report, first, hadith second wahyu. Elaborate sendiri.
Revelation ini dtg kpd org2 tertentu, pastu dia ada different kind and level. yg plg lower, revelation yg dtg kpd para scientist tuh, mcm newton dpt ilham gravity dr epal yg jatuh dari tree, pstu ilham yg turun kpd para nabi.

pastuh....yg ni ikut past yr, oct 08..
science paradigma- a learning system.
trbhgi kpd= reduction, repeatability and refutation...
then dia ada mintak, statistical inference - a process of drawing conclusion bases of the sample statistic.
Distinguich type 2 and type 1 error.
TYPE 1 - error ble kita buat kptusan yg kita buat tuh salah, tp sebenarnya btul, then, yg TYPE 2 tuh pulak, bile kita buat kptsn betul, tp sbnrnya slh.. ngahaha... poning2...
Significance level ialah, level keyakinan terhadap keputusan yg akan dibuat,

3 levels of certainty according to Holy Al-Quran is
ilm al-yaaqin, 'ain al yaaqin, haqq al yaaqin.
Power of test - thp btp btulnya test yg kita jln kan tuh... ok..

huh...cukup2 lah tuh.. habis satu past yr..

soalan last dia suh buat essay pendek pasal current issue on science.. grr...
kne byk baca news paper lerr nyeh..

ok2..wish me luck ntok philo neyh. Hari Jumaat nnti...tpt pon x sure ag kt ne..adoi... mengong aq jadiknyerr.. 8-|

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