Wednesday, November 18, 2009

HARUN datang!!!

Ana:Woi Lelaki, ko jangan post yg bukan2 dlm BLOG AKU!

Harun:Hello, ini dah jadi BLOG KITA ok ma?!

Ana: Argh! Aku tetap perintis nyer. I'm the pioneer ok..

Harun: You're a pioneer for a while. Now, we are the pioneer.

Ana:What are we suppose to do with that 'WE'?

Harun: Post something about us?

Ana:What do you mean by about us?

Harun:About our love story maybe?

Ana:Since when we have that 'love story'?

Harun:Since I fall with you maybe..

Ana:Tell you what, I never fall for you. That's so stupid little trick young boy..

Harun:Nope.. That's not a trick. That's a confession.

Ana: You really lost your brain while playing that Plants Versus Zombie huh?

Harun: I lost it since I met you. 

Ana: Stop it, Harun...Stop spouting nonsense.

Harun: Ok. It is so nonsense to fall for you.

Haha. This is gonna be fun. You know, playing words with her, she's just so harsh with me. Rejecting me while I'm still available. I mean, AVAILABLE for her.

Gonna sleep in the office for a night. Too many reports, project needed to be submit tomorrow. Damn that stupid Kelvin. He gives file, with empty paper, hoping me to refill them with new product.

By the way, Ana, thanks for sharing this blog with. From now on, we are going to manage this thing together.  

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